Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 5: Some free pagan resources

Woman readingKeeping up with a daily post is going easier than I thought it would, although to be fair I'm currently writing them two days in advance, so. Maybe it's cheating a bit? Hm.

Anyway, I've been looking for free online pagan resources for a few weeks now-- mainly books, since it's harder to find those than it is blogs or videos. There's actually a decent amount of free pagan/magic/witchcraft-related books available for free online (legally, I mean), and since most of them are related to the history of witchcraft (one of my interests) I'm really happy to have found them.

If you're interested in the history of witchcraft or just want some free pagan-related books to read, here's what I've found so far:
I've been looking for more modern (1920s-present) stuff, but there are very little ebooks available and what I have found seems to be pretty expensive. Hm. Seems a bit of a missed opportunity, there.

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