Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 3: What I'm researching

Illustrations, mostly paired comparisons, showing correct and incorrect postures for various household tasks. Date ... My first foray into paganism was mainly in the Wiccan area, since that's what was most available at my local bookstores and whatnot. I still like the idea of Wicca, and I like some of the things its got in it, but it doesn't fit exactly what I need or believe. I'm not overly familiar with other types of paganism, so I'm hoping to explore the non-Wiccan stuff this year.

I've got a few topics that I plan on focusing my research on for the first few weeks (or months, depending). I like having something to focus on, as it means I'm not just wandering around willy-nilly for a year. Here my current topics of interest:
  • "Third gender" gods, by which I mean gods that aren't wholly male nor wholly female (or maybe even non-gendered!). It seems like there's a lack of non-binary gendered gods in the bits of paganism I know about; I'm interested in seeing what people are doing outside of that.
  • Eclectic paganism, since I think that's basically what I'll end up being, anyway.
  • Ancient Egyptian gods and the magic/belief system associated with them. I've been interested in Ancient Egypt since I was about 8 years old, so I'd love to learn more about the history and reconstruction of AE's religion.
  • Non-Northern Hemisphere magic. Most of the info online seems to be focused on the northern hemisphere, and on the traditions/magic/religions in the northern hemisphere. I want to know what people do in the southern hemisphere! Do they just switch the dates around for Yule, etc? Or do they do something else?
  • Asexuality/celibacy in paganism. I'm asexual, and while I don't mind sex or the emphasis non-asexual people put on it, I'm interested in learning about the asexual/celibate side of paganism. Are there asexual gods? (I know there are celibate ones.) What do asexual/celibate pagans do during rites that have sexual components? 
I'll be writing about what I find out re:these topics here on the blog, no worries! 

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