Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 4: My electronic BoS

Since my research is, for the moment, completely electronic, I wanted some way to keep track of all the bits and pieces without having a ton of text files to sort through. Eventually, when I start reading actual paper books and whatnot, I think I'll transfer stuff to a paper notebook-- although I'm planning on that being more of a "here are my reactions to things that I read/do" than a "proper" grimoire/Book of Shadows. At least for now. Anyway.

I use Zotero to keep track of stuff. It works really well for the most part; you can add notes and tags, connect one item to another, and sort things into collections and sub-collections. The Chrome port is sometimes finicky, but it mostly works okay. I've got one collection that's just theories, info, opinions and interesting things I've found online (that's the YAAD folder) and another for my BoS, which is for how-to things, spells, etc.

(Click to enlarge.)

The nice thing about having an electronic notebook thing is that you can add videos as well as essays, blog posts, and so on. Since there are so many pagans on Youtube nowadays, I think that's a good thing!

How do you keep track of the stuff you learn? Do you write it down somewhere special?

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