Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 13: Moving

That was a slightly longer gap than I meant to happen! Sorry about that, but I've been busy moving and trying not to freak out too much about being in a new location.

I've always found moving difficult, both physically and emotionally/mentally. I like the idea of change, but actually getting the courage to go through with a big change is difficult for me. I do things better in baby steps than in big chunks, but sometimes baby steps aren't available and you have to just jump in.

Anyway! The move has also disrupted my info intake, though I've read a few articles and watched a few videos since I last posted. I'm hoping that since I'll soon be settled into a new house/apt/something I can start doing some more hardcore studying/learning-- including paper books! That'd be really nice, actually. I've got a few ebooks downloaded (see this post) but there's some good stuff only available on paper.

Next post will be about privacy and how much I like it, I think. See you then!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 7: My natal chart

I'm not super into astrology-- basically because I think that unless you go really deep it's too general to be of real use-- but I was interested in seeing my natal chart after watching this video on Youtube.

I used this website to get my chart. I found it through Google. The first time I generated my chart I couldn't remember the exact time I was born, so I just did the generic "12pm" time stamp. My results were:

Sun: Pisces (6 degrees)
Moon: Gemini (20 degrees)
Rising: Gemini (11 degrees)

I wasn't entirely happy with this-- Gemini in rising didn't seem to fit me at all, except for maybe one or two things. I know astrology is normally very vague/general anyway, but when you don't fit what the thing says your sign means except in maybe one instance, then...what do you do? (On a side note, I've always wondered if there were people out there who didn't think they fit their sun sign in any way. I feel like I'm a very typical Pisces, but what if I wasn't any of the things that Pisces people are supposed to be? Anyway.) I went away slightly pissed off...but still wondered what would happen if I put in the correct time.

Luckily my mother remembers exactly what time I was born. So I put that in, and my results are almost radically different. Yay!

Sun: Pisces (6 degrees)
Moon: Gemini (23 degrees)
Rising: Virgo (4 degrees)

I like this result much better. My rising sign being Virgo makes SO much more sense to me than when it was Gemini.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 5: Some free pagan resources

Woman readingKeeping up with a daily post is going easier than I thought it would, although to be fair I'm currently writing them two days in advance, so. Maybe it's cheating a bit? Hm.

Anyway, I've been looking for free online pagan resources for a few weeks now-- mainly books, since it's harder to find those than it is blogs or videos. There's actually a decent amount of free pagan/magic/witchcraft-related books available for free online (legally, I mean), and since most of them are related to the history of witchcraft (one of my interests) I'm really happy to have found them.

If you're interested in the history of witchcraft or just want some free pagan-related books to read, here's what I've found so far:
I've been looking for more modern (1920s-present) stuff, but there are very little ebooks available and what I have found seems to be pretty expensive. Hm. Seems a bit of a missed opportunity, there.